Doctors who specialize in oral hygiene are dentists and orthodontists; doctors who study general dentistry are trained to diagnose and treat gum, teeth, tongue, and oral conditions. ortodoncia en barcelona will gain more skills in diagnosing and treating misalignment of teeth and jaws.
A dentist is a doctor who can treat many parts of the body. Focus on the mouth, jaw, teeth, gums, and nerves. In a more specific area of the discipline, orthodontics works. Straightening your teeth is your prime concern. Most orthodontists are dentists, but few dentists are orthodontists.
Orthodontists recognize that the mouth is overcrowded. The bite and teeth and jaws are misaligned. The orthodontist tried to solve any problems he discovered after the diagnosis. If not treated in time problems will worsen. Over time, these include malocclusion, malocclusion, open bite and cross bite. An orthodontic specialist is a repairing expert.
First consultation from orthodontist:
Dentist’s usually only found inappropriate teeth during routine examinations. If your molars do not fit together correctly, your dentist may recommend that you see an orthodontist. You may have your first orthodontic consultation:
- Oral examination,
- Face and smile photos,
- Dental X-rays,
- Panoramic (360°) head and face X-rays,
- Dental impressions
Expect these from an orthodontist:
Technically, he is a dentist who specializes in the alignment of teeth and jaws. A certified orthodontist is trained to diagnose and treat your teeth, gums, and oral health problems. However, orthodontists usually focus on the correct fit of teeth and jaws. Orthodontists perform the following operations:
- Observe the child’s facial development (jawline and bite)
- Misalignment of teeth and jaw for detection and treatment (malocclusion)
- Preparation of a treatment plan with braces and holders
- Conduct orthodontic surgery
- Installation of braces Includes dental equipment palace, orthodontics, or fall equipment.
Why see an orthodontist:
The most common reason people go to an orthodontist is an incorrect bite or bite. It is inherited, and it takes place as the upper and lower jaws or the jaw and the teeth change dimensions and a dick uniformly. The following methods can normally be used to cure malocclusion:
Dental equipment or braces:
The teeth are attached with metal, ceramic, or plastic square links. The alignment is done through a wire or spring system. For patients with slightly misaligned teeth, so-called mouth guards are often used instead of standard braces. Some people may need a sling to move their teeth in response to external pressure.
Patients with significantly reduced size or overlying may require corrective surgery to lengthen or shorten the jaw. Support the chin. Jaw orthodontists only use wires, surgical screws, or jaw surgery when they grow up and have not yet received less invasive orthodontic treatment.