Comfort is not the only problem. Two people who appear to have the same head size may not fit the same helmet. The differences may depend on the make of the helmet, the type of material used, and the construction. Motorcycle gear on the market, helmet sizes vary from brand to brand.
There are specific tips to help you determine if the helmet you are looking for fits you.
Start in the center of your forehead, 1 inch above your eyebrows. Wrap the tape around the back of your head. Be sure to measure where it sticks out the most to get the best measurement. Then, twist the tape measure again so that it lines up with the end in the center of your forehead. The helmet must have a size tag inside. Try combining this with the measurement you obtained with the tape measure. Even after finding a helmet of the correct size, it may not look right for you.
Suitability test
When choosing motorcycle helmets, make sure the top edge of the front is above your eyebrows not to obstruct your view. The pad should only rest on the bone that supports the eyebrows. Shields and visors must not obstruct the view in any way. Use your hands to move the helmet back and forth to see how much play is in it. Also, repeat the movement from side to side, keeping your head as stable as possible. It should be tight enough, but not too tight. Be sure to use a mirror when doing this, as this will give you a better idea of how well it looks on you.
Fasten the chin strap and try to remove the helmet. If it came off, it means that you may have problems in the event of a collision. Try reducing the size and then repeat the procedure. A well-fitting helmet should not be removed after fastening the chin strap.
Motorcycle helmets online store
Some people choose to buy motorcycle helmets online. While there is nothing wrong with purchasing motorcycle gear on websites, buying helmets can be good or bad. Any website you want to buy should have a size chart which will make the process much easier. Still, there is a small chance of getting the wrong size, as you won’t be able to try it on. When buying your first motorcycle helmet, it may tend to loosen a bit. Some people find the initial setting a bit awkward. Remember that there is a break-in period, and after a while, you will get used to the feel of the helmet. Your choice of the helmet will also depend on your motorcycle.
Half helmets are believed to be suitable for short distances. Motorcycle safety is an important issue, and all riders should take appropriate steps to protect themselves in the event of an accident.